Sync all Git branches with remote
Sometimes there is no good internet connection, but you can still work at your laptop (merge PR, etc). It’s very handy to have a local full local copy of the Git repository of a project on your computer for this purpose.
Unfortunately, Git itself doesn’t have out-of-the-box functionality to sync your local repository with a central server (like Github).
I searched for a solution on stackoverflow, but surprisingly there are only separate commands to do different parts of this task.
So I made this little script in bash to be able to do this synchronisation.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Debug: Print all commands with expanded variables
# set -x
# Get all remote refs & remove outdated local refs
git fetch --all --prune
# Create local copy of remote branch & load latest changes
for rb in `git branch --remotes | grep -v 'HEAD'`; do
echo "$rb -> $lb"
git branch --track $lb $rb 2>/dev/null
git fetch --update-head-ok origin $lb:$lb
# Remove all merged local branches
git branch --merged | xargs echo | grep -v '^*\|^main$\|^develop$|^stage$' | xargs git branch -d
Note: On line 18 you can specify a list of branches that should always remain local.
This script will also be useful if you often have to check other branches manually before merging them.
Installation & Run:
curl >
chmod +x